Kultursensitivitet og møter med familier med minoritetsspråklig bakgrunn
Loeul Mekonen holdt foredrag for Home-Start Familiekontakten (HSF) i Trondheim. HSF er et støtteprog
Leoul Mekonen skriver:
These wonderful people You SEE in the picture are volunteers who help new immigrant families in Trondheim, Norway. Many immigrants and refugees experience life in Norway difficult and challenging. These volunteers become supportive to families who are struggling to adapt to a new society, culture and system. Immigrants get all kinds of financial and material support from the generous welfare institutions in Norway, but the biggest poverty among immigrants and refugees is a social network and supportive friends who meet immigrants with a human approach instead of a professional approach.
Since I am deputy director to a volunteer organization who works with immigrants; I was invited to share my experience and knowledge about working with minority groups. I expressed my deepest appreciation to these warm-hearted individuals who bring healing and sense of connectedness to refugee families that often feel like fishes taken out of sea; their original habitat!!! Thanks again to Kirkens Bymisjon for allowing me to meet and have dialogue with these fantastic individuals!!!!