In 2021-2023, MiR is participating in a project aimed at strengthening teachers’ and adults’ understanding of soft skills and the use of such skills, which are necessary for the social and professional integration of young adults.
Soft skills are defined as character traits or interpersonal abilities that affect one’s capacity to work and interact with others
Teachers in adult education and other institutions can play a central role in providing adult students with knowledge and practical information. This will help students understand the challenges they face and act as active citizens in their local community, both individually and collectively.
To achieve this, partner organizations from seven European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Norway, Spain and Turkey) will work on the following:
1. Develop an adult pedagogical method and training resources for instructors (users – training for instructors/teachers/counselors) that enables them to put together participatory and empowering training sequences using cultural activities, especially techniques and activities related to performance and presenting in front of an audience.
2. Once instructors have been trained, they will support vulnerable adult learners (users) to improve and mobilize their soft skills so they can better integrate into society.
Three elements will be emphasized in working with the users:
a. How to present oneself through performance or storytelling, so they can create a self-presentation and produce an audio/video CV or a good paper-based CV.
b. Work with family background and environment to provide better self-insight (in relation to one’s own strengths) and self-confidence, so that one can become more aware of which occupations match their personality, desires, and strengths.
c. Acquire valuable technical skills and build a network.
Read more on this page becreativeproject.eu

Or follow the project on Facebook.