Online gambling has become a growing problem. There is also a lot of gambling advertising on TV where you are enticed, for example, to use 100 kr to get an extra 500 to play with. Initially, one might think that playing a little isn’t so dangerous, but the challenge for many is that the websites are designed to make you addicted. The consequences of gambling can be very serious and many of those who become addicted experience long-term psychological problems.
On this page, you can watch several videos we have made about gambling and gambling addiction, and where you can get help. The videos have subtitles in different languages, and we also have brochures.
Click here for folders that can be downloaded from Mir’s websites or ordered.
For tips on how to talk about gaming with your children, click here.
Video resources
MiR has created several videos we use in working with parents to initiate discussions:

Bruker barna dine for mye penger på mysteriebokser? (loot boxes)
Husker du noe av videoen? Ta en test her for se hvor mye du husker!
Du har kanskje hørt om loot boxes? I hovedsak er en loot boks en pakke du kjøper som du ikke helt vet innholdet av, en slags mysteriebox. Mange barn vil ha Battle pass hvis de spiller Fortnite.
I noen spill kan du forbedre spilleren din med slike bokser, som i Fifa spillene, der noen bokser inneholder veldig gode fotballspillere. Problemet er at du ikke vet hvilke spillere du får.
Se hvorfor de kan være avhengighetsskapende her!
Gambling Addiction – who are they and where can you get help?
Understanding gambling addiction (and how the brain deceives those who are addicted!)
In this video, you will learn about gambling addiction. During the video, you will understand why it is difficult to quit gambling because the brain changes when you are addicted to something, regardless of what it is. And you will get the latest figures on gambling addiction in Norway: How many people are affected? Who is most at risk and what you can do to get help.